Mon - Fri 08:00am - 05:00pm
(021) 3880-5007
PT Sinergi Properti Pratama was established to answer market demands in the field of construction to repair buildings that are getting higher, specifically within the PT PLN (Persero) environment and generally outside the PT PLN (Persero) environment offered to help it be able to buy a large and wide market in accordance with PT Forward SPP itself which was established on March 25 2015 also for its founder, the Pension Fund of PT PLN (Persero)
As one of the Pension Fund subsidiaries of PT PLN, our aim is to provide the best service, the best in terms of quality, satisfying service, and competitive prices. PT. Primary Property Synergy What we call PT.SPP is manned by dynamic, highly dedicated young workers to provide the best service, also has extensive experience in the world of CONSTRUCTION, MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING FACILITIES AND HEALTH SERVICES. These dynamic young workers are a guarantee that PT. SPP will always be creative and develop in accordance with the convenience of the times. Experience needed by staff of PT. SPP provides certainty of the quality of services provided.
As a company that provides CONSTRUCTION, MANAGEMENT BUILDING AND HEALTH SERVICES services, we are fully aware that SERVICE quality is our priority service.
PT.SPP has won the trust of many customers and is ready to become one of the mainstay companies and take an active role in the building management industry in Indonesia.